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Anthurium longipeltatum
Family: Araceae
Author: Matuda
Habit: terrestrial or epiphytic Aroid
Origin: Mexico
You are bidding on * fresh seeds collected and grown in Hawaii. |
Anthurium longipeltatum
Described to
science in 1967, the type specimen of Anthurium longipeltatum
was found in far south central Mexico in the state of Oaxaca.
Anthurium longipeltatum can be found in nature growing as
either a terrestrial species or an epiphyte on the
branches of a host tree. The species occurs in the northern portion
of Oaxaca, near Orizaba, and is suspected to occur in nearby Puebia
in tropical wet rain forest at an elevation ranging from 600 to
1,500 meters (1,970 to 4,900 feet). The species is a member of Anthurium section Cordatopunctatum (formerly section
leaf blades of Anthurium longipeltatum stand erect on
petioles that measure 29 to 56cm (11.4 to 22 inches) in length. The
petioles which support each leaf measure 5 to 7mm (.2 to .275
inches) in diameter and are terete. The botanical term terete
simply describes a petiole (stem) that is round.

leaf blades of Anthurium longipeltatum are oblanceolate to
oblong-ovate. The scientific term oblanceolate describes a leaf
blade that is
both oblong and lance shaped but wider near the tip or oblong and
widest near the center of the blade
as well as spear shaped. The blades are moderately thick (coriaceous),
measuring 33 to 56cm (13 to 22 inches) in length and 14 to 28cm (5.5
to 11 inches) wide. The leaf is broadest just beneath the center of
the blade. The sinus, which is the space between the upper lobes,
can be parabolic (bowl like) to triangular in shape and it is not
uncommon for the lobes to overlap. The upper leaf surface is
semi-glossy to glossy while the underside of the blade
is semi-glossy.
When a new leaf
blade forms the leaf is protected by a structure known as
the cataphylls. In the case of Anthurium longipeltatum the
cataphyll is coriaceous (leathery) and measures 6.5 to 15cm (2.65 to
5.9 inches) long. Once the leaf has fully emerged the cataphylls
dry to a dark brown splitting at base.
Of major note, if
you observe the underside of the leaf blade closely the species can
be positively identified by conspicuous glandular punctates (see
photo right). A glandular punctate can best be described as small
black dots on the underside of the leaf. Another prominent feature
can be found by observing the midrib of the leaf. The midrib is
convex (curving outward) on the upper side and significantly raised
on the underside.

Another unique
feature of Anthurium longipeltatum is the
collective vein. All Anthurium species possess a
collective vein which often completely encircles the leaf just
a centimeter or so from the edge of the leaf. In the case of
Anthurium longipeltatum
the collective vein only partially encircles the blade but can still
be found along the edges of the lower portion of the leaf
approximately 5 to 10mm (.2 to .4 inches) from the leaf margin
(edge). See the photo left for the position. Anthurium
species are known to be highly variable and not every leaf of every
specimen will always appear the same. This link explains in greater
detail the scientific principle of natural variation and
Anthurium longipeltatum
Leland Miyano
from Kahaluu, Hawaii who is an expert in aroids, palms and cycads made this
observation, "this is an
Anthurium...I can see both a geniculum on the petiole and collective
vein on the leaf blade. The collective vein does not always go
around the entire blade. Sometimes it does not include the back or
posterior lobes."

Unlike plants in the genus
Philodendron which
contain imperfect flowers having only a single sex Anthurium
possess perfect flowers containing both sexes. To help prevent self
pollination nature has designed the female flowers to be receptive
before the male portion of the flower produce their pollen so in
most cases an insect must bring pollen from another plant.
At the center of the inflorescence is the spadix on which the true
flowers form. The spadix stands erect on a peduncle that is longer
than the specimen's leaves and is terete (round). The spadix begins
as an olive green turning yellow green but normally turns dark
purple as it matures.
The entire
inflorescence of Anthurium longipeltatum is supported by a
stalk known as the peduncle. The peduncle of Anthurium
longipeltatum normally measures 30 to 80cm (11.8 to 31.5 inches)
The spathe is subcoriaceous (less than leathery) and is green in
color but can also be faintly tinged with purple. Once pollinated
by an appropriate insect the infructescence hangs pendently
(downward) and the spathe soon withers and falls away. The berries
produced on the spadix once pollinated are obovoid and are
red/orange in color.
The largest leaf
of our specimen currently measure 25.4cm (10 inches). The specimen
is grown in a very fast draining soil mix in diffused light and is
kept damp at all times. |
Anthurium longipeltatum Matuda,
Anales Inst. Biol. Univ. Nac. Mexico 37: 75, Fig. 1. 1967. TYPE: Mexico.
Oaxaca: between Vista Her-mosa and Puerto Eligio, Comaltepec Ixtlan de
Juarez, elev. 1,200 m in humid forest, October 5, 1963, MacDougall 563 (MEXU,
Epiphyte or terrestrial; stems green, ca. 18 cm long, 2.5-3 cm diam.; roots
few, dark greenish-brown, descending; leaf scars 2-3 cm wide; cataphylls
coriaceous, 6.5-15 cm long, long-acuminate at apex, drying dark brown,
splitting at base, subpersistent.
LEAVES with petioles erect to spreading, 29-56 cm long, 5-7 mm diam., terete;
geniculum 1-4.5 cm long; blades oblanceolate to oblong-ovate, moderately
thick, long-acuminate at apex, lobed at base, 33-56 cm long, 14-28 cm wide,
broadest just below middle; anterior lobe 34-40.5 cm long, the margins
convex; posterior lobes 4.5-10 cm long; the sinus parabolic to triangular,
sometimes the lobes overlapping, acute at apex; upper surface semiglossy to
glossy, lower surface semiglossy, obscurely to conspicuously punctate; the
midrib prominulous, convex above, more prominently raised below; basal veins
3-5 pairs, usually free, sunken or prominulous in valleys above, raised
below; primary lateral veins 8-12 per side, departing midrib at 35°-50°
angle, sunken above, raised below, arcuate-ascending to collective vein;
lesser veins flat to weakly sunken above, flat below; collective vein
arising from the first basal vein, sunken above, raised below, 5-10 mm from
INFLORESCENCE erect-spreading, longer than leaves; peduncle 30-80 cm long,
3-8 mm diam., terete; spathe subcoriaceous, green sometimes faintly tinged
purplish (B & K Yellow-green 8/10), oblong-lanceolate, 9-14.5 cm long,
1.5-2.2 cm wide, narrowly acuminate at apex, obtuse at base, inserted on
peduncle at 30°-50° angle; spadix olive-green (B & K Yellow-green 6/5) to
dark purple (B & K Blue-purple 2/10), 9-35 cm long, 7-9 mm diam. at base,
2-4 mm diam. at apex; flowers rhombic to 4-lobed, 2.5-4 mm long, 2.3-3 mm
wide, the sides ± straight parallel to spiral, gradually sigmoid
perpendicular to spiral; 6-7 flowers visible in the principal spiral, 7-9
flowers visible in the alternate spiral; tepals glossy, minutely papillate,
sometimes with droplets as stamens emerge, lateral tepals 0.8-1 mm wide, the
inner margin broadly rounded; pistils weakly emergent, green tinged with
red-violet; stigma oblong-linear, 0.5-0.6 mm long, purplish with droplets
apparent a few days before stamens emerge; stamens emerging from the base,
the lateral stamens preceding alternates by 1 -2 spirals, exserted briefly
on pinkish flattened filaments, which retract, holding stamens at edge of
tepals against pistil; anthers pale yellow, held ± contiguous, 0.3-0.4 mm
long, 0.5-0.6 mm wide; the-cae ellipsoid; pollen yellow to white, fading to
INFRUCTESCENCE pendent, spathe withered; berries subglobose to obovoid,
rounded at apex, red to red-orange (B & K Red 6/7.5), 8-8.5 mm long, 5.5-6.5
mm wide; mesocarp fleshy, ± transparent with raphide cells; seeds 1-2,
ovoid, cream or greenish-white. 4 mm long, 2.5 mm wide, 2 mm thick with
sticky appendages at both ends. Figs. 101, 102, and 104.
This species occurs in northern Oaxaca, Sierra de Juarez, Veracruz near
Orizaba, and is expected in nearby Puebia in Mexico in tropical wet forest
from 600 to 1,500 m elevation. The species is a member of section
Belolonchium and is distinguished by its moderately thick, deeply lobed,
oblong-ovate blades, which are dark green above and paler below, by its long
slender spadix, by having basal veins frequently free with little or no
posterior rib, and red to red-orange, subglobose berries. The collections of
A. longipeltatum from northern Oaxaca are somewhat obscurely punctate
whereas those collected near Valle Nacional are more conspicuously punctate.
The spadix color varies from olive-green to violet-purple. Anthurium
longipeltatum may be confused with A. verapazense, a species ranging from
Belize to Honduras, but that species has a consistently violet-purple spadix
and usually has a well developed posterior rib.Matuda considered A.
longipeltatum to be similar to A. titanium (A. xanthosomifolium) but it is
in no way similar or related except that the two species have posterior
lobes. Anthurium titanium differs principally in lacking punctate dots on
the lower blade surface.
The etymology of the name is curious. Although Matuda named the plant "longipeltata"
there is no part peltate. Perhaps this is a typographical error from the
intended "longipetiolatum."


Polynesian Produce Stand

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All live plants are shipped bare-root wrapped
in moist
sphagnum moss to ensure the plants healthy
transit to you. All live
plants are Inspected By USDA Plant Inspectors before they are
shipped to insure you get healthy pest free plants and seeds.
We ship via USPS Mondays-Wednesday
with Delivery
plant materials are required by LAW to inspected and certified by
USDA prior to export Hawaii to the US Mainland.
Inspection, USDA stamps released for export Hawaii to the US
Mainland. All items are delivered to USDA Inspection Station at
Honolulu International airport.

Certification charge
is included in Shipping and Handling
@ $5 fee per
There is a
packing & custom boxing fee.
Last and
usually least is USPS postage (shipping).
We can ship live plants to the US only. Only Domestic Shipping and Handling
includes USDA Certification.
We ship Seeds Internationally.
All International shipments are at Buyer's
Risk. Please spend no more more than you can lose!
Proper Permits and Documents are the
BUYER's responsibility.
Please request any documents prior to shipping.
For foreign customers, please check your laws concerning permitting and customs,
additional shipping and handling costs may apply.
The additional charge for any Phytosanitary Certificate is not included in this offer.
INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ON LIVE PLANTS is available only under these conditions!
All international orders
are shipped at the
(shipped with or without
documents) and no refunds or replacements are offered for Dead On
Arrival, loss, confiscation, Customs Seizure, unanticipated charges,



accept online payments only through PayPal, Cash payments are only acceptable for
in-person payments and cash-on-delivery (COD). Cash payment can not be sent through the
Please only one Paypal payment. SO THE COMBINED SHIPPING RULE WILL CAN
BE USED. Multiple paypal payments are NOT eligible for
We will ship once a week - ON or BEFORE WEDNESDAYS, because
of the special stamps needed to ship plants and cuttings to you. This can only be
done at the Dept. of Agriculture. If payments are not met before that MONDAY, your
items will be shipped the following week and lose the combined discount opportunity.
Non-paying bidders may receive negative feedback and will be reported as an unpaid item to

SHIPPING is not included in this offer.
We will combine shipping for auctions won on the same week paid with same paypal payment.
This policy is good for auction items bought and paid for in the week ending MONDAY.
Payment must be received
within 7 days of the auction ending.
Discounts Won Auctions
For 2-3 winning auctions, the combined discount is 10% of the total Shipping and Handling
charges. For 4-7 winning auctions, the combined discount is 20% of the total Shipping and
Handling charges. For 7+ winning auctions, the combined discount is 30% of the total
Shipping and Handling charges.

As each order is packed and prepared separately you will pay the quoted S/H charges
individually per item. If you buy the same species in that item it does calculate out the
discount (i.e.: additional item $3.61). My stores' combined shipping is built in for same
items rather than a varied selection. Includes postage, USDA certification and inspection,
proper packing and delivery to Airport for prompt delivery. I cant really change any
of these. If you want one of this and one of that, it gets hard to discount much as each
different species requires it's own prep & packing, then at USDA each has to be
unwrapped and inspected then repacked. USDA requires me to clean and prepare every last
piece before we drive them to the Inspection Station on the other side of the island. It
takes my wife and I, a day to pack items and get ready to ship. The whole next day we
drive around the island and get inspected (2-3 hours), then drive to the Airport Post
Office to drop off. It takes the same work with the same type item if you can understand.
After you purchase |
After you Receive your Items. |
For this reason uninsurable.
When you order a plant we assume you are prepared to care for it.
Please have potting media and a container prepared for your plant
before it arrives. Shipping can be stressful on a plant, and any
mistakes that you make upon arrival can stress the plant further,
which is not good. Proper care is critical upon arrival. It is your
responsibility to know how to care for the plant.
Not every plant that I order through
the mail survives, and I am aware of that and accept the risk when I
order. This is the risk that you as the buyer accept, because there
is no way to know what kind of conditions it will endure in the trip
to your door. My responsibility ends when a live plant is delivered
to your door. Live arrival is guaranteed, eternal survival is up to
Do NOT email me a week after potting your plant, and make a claim it
arrived damaged. From delivery confirmation, you have only 48 hours from
delivery confirmation to make any claim.
All claims need to be supported with
Photos of the damaged plant(s) as packed/unpacked, the box if damaged,
the packing materials and any documents. I am very reasonable and
understanding, anything can happen to small plants in transit.
The expense to send it to you is most
of your payment. To send any replacement (s), I try to piggy back with
your next order.
Replacement is not an option for
USDA and USPS fees are included in the actual cost of shipping and
Please do not leave a 1 or 2 in my
detailed seller ratings for postage fees or any reason really because I
will have to charge even more rather than to ship items the best way and
use the least expensive way. These are coming from Hawaii. The only
thing inexpensive here in Hawaii are my items!! I do ship all my items
promptly via best method--if you feel like the combined shipping fee is
wrong, please wait to be invoiced and check back with me-I value your
business and will work diligently to keep you satisfied. I am very
generous and reasonable with reasonable people, just ask.


dog Taz will fetch your email to me
If you are dissatisfied
with the item, please contact me
before leaving a
negative or neutral comment.
I want you to be
Mahalo iâ `oe no ke kipa
`ana mai. E kipa mai hou!
Mahalo & Aloha!! |
Rare Palm Seeds
Highest Quality
Seller warrants seed to be of the variety and quantity advertised.
Safe delivery is guaranteed and seeds lost or damaged during shipment will be replaced at
seller's expense. Claims must be made within 7 days of shipment. All other replacements,
refunds, returns and exchanges will be made at the sole discretion of the seller.
Seed is a live product which depends on many important related grower skills such
as proper planting time, seed depth, type of soil, irrigation, proper use of fertilizers,
weed controls, fungicides, insecticides, disease free soil, and reasonable weather
conditions during the growing period. Germination is affected by such factors as
temperature, moisture content, light intensity and contamination of planting media. These
factors are totally out of the seller's control and are the buyer's responsibility and
risk. Consequentially, the seller cannot unconditionally guarantee seed to perform
properly regardless of conditions or the buyer's methods or mistakes.
Items must be returned within 14 days . Refund will be given as Money back or exchange/replacement. Refund policy details: Aloha, Don't forget to leave feedback after you inspect your purchase and agree that it arrived ALIVE. From delivery confirmation, you have only 48 hours from delivery confirmation to make any claim for SHIPPING DAMAGE. If there is any problem ON ARRIVAL, contact me IMMEDIATELY to make a claim. I want to help. DO NOT WAIT ‘to see if they will recover’ then email me after a week or two when they are dry and dead. This will not considered SHIPPING DAMAGE. All claims need to be supported with Phot
Destination: United States |
STANDARD | Standard | $7.61 | | |
Type | Instructions to Buyer |
Paypal | null |